Our vision…
'To promote a love of maths and allow children to discover, take risks and thrive in a supportive learning environment where everyone’s ideas are heard, valued and reflected upon.'
At Healdswood Infant and Nursery School our ambition is that every child is a mathematician. Our Mathematics Curriculum:
- Enables children to EXPLORE mathematics following a mastery curriculum approach.
- Allows each pupil an opportunity to BELIEVE in themselves as mathematicians and develop the power of resilience and perseverance when challenged;
- Recognises that mathematics is everywhere in our lives;
- Engages all children and provides them with a range of quality teaching and learning opportunities in which children strive to ACHIEVE their potential, as part of our school community;
- Make connections across mathematical concepts so children can problem solve and reason; describe, explain, convince, justify and prove with an appreciation and excitement about the power of maths.
In the Foundation Stage, our children are provided with many exciting opportunities to be mathematicians through purposeful, adult-led and child-initiated learning. In EYFS, we teach early number sense (TENS) and follow White Rose small steps. We focus on key concepts such as subitising and a deep understanding of numbers to 10. In provision, children are immersed in a number rich environment and can independently apply their number skills therefore ensuring our children have early success of being a mathematician.
What do the 'Big Ideas' look like in EYFS?
Key Stage 1
In KS1, we deliver maths through a mastery approach, following the White Rose small steps and focussing on key concepts and skills as the children progress from Year 1 to Year 2. This forms a strong foundation for both their procedural fluency and conceptual understanding.
We are committed to providing our children with the very best mathematical experiences and through our work with the Maths Hub we have developed a ‘Fluency Progression Document’ which ensures all children are explicitly taught all key fluency concepts that underpin a deep mathematical understanding of the KS1 curriculum objectives. This document progresses from Nursery through to Year 2 and each half term KS1 classes have Fluency Objectives which are explicity taught, explored and assessed. This systematic assessment enables us to identify gaps and informs our interventions, enabling all children to achieve their full potential.
At our school, emphasis is on the development of conceptual understanding and a Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach is used throughout our maths lessons, building on children’s existing knowledge and developing a deep and sustainable understanding of maths by introducing abstract concepts using concrete manipulatives. It involves moving from concrete manipulatives that bring the maths to life in real contexts, to pictorial representations that allow children to make mental connections, to abstract symbols and calculations.
Mathematical vocabulary is taught explicitly and children are provided regular opportunities to engage in ‘Maths Talk’, enabling them to articulate their reasoning with confidence. In Maths, teachers and support staff will ensure that concrete and visual manipulatives are available to support children that require more time on learning the fundamental concepts – ensuring that every child succeeds.
Children really enjoy our Daily 5 sessions in KS1 four times per week, which is 10 minutes dedicated to exploring fluency objectives, applying new skills or addressing misconceptions that may have arisen with groups of pupils that day. This allows the children sufficient opportunities to revisit previously taught concepts and procedures.
Children engage in Mathematics and enjoy the learning journey together, exploring, discovering, and deepening knowledge of key ideas needed to underpin future learning. Maths Talk has become an integral aspect of the teaching in mathematics and our curious mathematicians are empowered to explore and make links, inspiring their curiosity to be flexible and discover different ways to solve problems. The number of children achieving at the Expected Standard at the end of Key Stage One is in line with National Average.
What do the 'Big Ideas' look like in KS1?
Number Day 2025
Supporting Resources for Home
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