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Here are lots of activities all about MARK MAKING/WRITING:

For nursery remember it is all about building finger strength, drawing pictures, experimenting with marks and then correctly forming the letters in the children's names. For Reception they continue with all of those activities and begin to write simple words and sentences.

Here are lots of activities all about READING:

For nursery we focus on reading, talking about, retelling and most of all ENJOYING stories. For reception we focus on all of those things but also begin to read words using our phonics skills!

Here are lots of activities all about PHONICS:

We teach Phonics in the order that they appear below, but if you are still unsure of where to start remember that you can message your class teacher on Dojo.

Nursery and Reception- Phase 1

For nursery children who are still with us in September look at the general sounds and voice sounds activities. For nursery children going to reception in September still work on those things but also look at the rhyme, alliteration, letter sounds, blending and segmenting activities. 

Reception- Phase 2 and 3

For reception we focus on all of Phase 1 and once we are confident with those, we move on to Phase 2 and then Phase 3.

Phase 1

General Sounds

Voice Sounds
Alliteration and Letter Sounds
Blending and Segmenting
Phase 2
Phase 3
