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Oak - Nursery

Welcome to Oak - Nursery!


The teacher in Nursery is Miss Williamson and Mrs Townsend. 


In Nursery we are helped by Mrs Hovell, Miss Griffiths and Miss Barford.  

Mrs Walton is our Specialist Speech and Language Intervention Assistant.

Meet our Team!

We have two nursery sessions and also offer 30 hours places:


Morning Nursery

The morning session starts at 8.35am and ends at 11.35am.


Afternoon Nursery

The afternoon session starts at 12.20pm and ends at 3.20pm.


30 Hours

Our 30 hours session starts at 9.20am and ends at 3.20pm.


We lock the door 10 minutes after the start of the session to keep the children safe. If you arrive late or you need to leave early you will need to use the main entrance of the school.

Please tell us if someone different is going to take your child home.


Children in the Nursery learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outdoors. We are proud to be working towards our 'Curiosity Approach Accreditation' and provide a homely, curiosity focused learning environment.


MONDAY is PE day in nursery. For PE the children need to take off their shoes and socks to go into the main hall. It would be really great if you could teach them how to take off and put on their own shoes and socks, to promote their independence. We ask that the children wear shoes with Velcro fastening and no laces.


FRIDAY is the day that we take part in Forest Schools. On this day children need to dress in warm clothes and have a pair of wellies that can be left on their peg. We go to Forest Schools in all weathers, so their clothing is really important.

Our fabulous learning environment!

Our learning 2021-2022

Summer 1 - Who Will I Be? This half term we will be learning all about the different jobs that people do. We will have a focus on farming and where our lovely healthy food comes from! Have a look at the picture below for more information on this half term's learning:

Spring 2 - Let's explore. This half term we will be looking at minibeasts, the life cycle of a frog, the life cycle of a butterfly, plants, Spring time and Easter.

03.02.2022 - This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year. We have tried some delicious Chinese food, made dragons, made collage lanterns, dressed up in Chinese clothing, practised making Chinese symbols and played with noodles.

28.01.2022 This week we have learning about 'The Three Little Pigs' We read the story and made a story map together. This helped us to to retell the story using the actions. In the environment we used puppets and mask to retell the story and role play. We made houses out of straw, sticks and brick and predicated which would make the best house. We then blew them down with a hair dryer. Brick hoses are best! We enjoyed colouring mixing to paint picture of wolves and pigs.

07.01.2022 We have reading the story of the Gingerbread Man this week. We enjoyed joining in with the parts of the story we know. We made gingerbread men out of playdough, painted pictures and enjoyed retelling the story using props.

Curious Characters

Our topic or Spring 1 is Curious Characters, We will be looking at lots of different fairy tales such as: The Gingerbread Man, Little Red Riding Hood and The Little Red Hen. We will be looking at the behaviour, feelings and actions of the characters and relating them to our school rules. 

Forest Schools will be on a Friday so please come dressed for the weather as we will be outside for the whole session.

Autumn 2 - I wonder...

During this term we will be learning about 'I Wonder...' as we think about all of the wonderful things that we have to celebrate. A big focus will be upon developing our skills in understanding the world. We will be looking at the ways that people celebrate and how this is similar and different to us. In particular we will learn about Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day, Diwali, Birthdays and Christmas. We will also be extremely creative, so keep your eyes peeled for the wonderful creations that we will be sending home! 

What an amazing time we had when Santa came to visit. Merry Christmas everyone.

What a wonderful surprise we had when we had the chance to play in the snow at Nursery.

We had so much fun decorating the Christmas tree.

Look at our fantastic Christingle making.

We loved exploring what changes we could make to the ice.

This week the children loved being scientists. We experimented by adding different safe kitchen chemicals together to see how they reacted. They fizzed in the jar like colourful fireworks.

In PE we carefully balanced on the equipment in the hall. Then the children moved their bodies like fireworks as they jumped off and landed safely on the mat. Well done everyone,  whizz, bang, swirl!

We having been finding out all about the festival of Diwali in nursery. We really enjoyed making our Diva lamps and tasting vegetable samosas as we joined in with celebrations for the festival of light.

Autumn 1 - What makes me unique?

During this half term we will be learning about 'What makes me unique?' A big focus will be upon developing our skills in understanding the world. We will be looking at ourselves, where we live and the people who are special to us. We will also be doing lots of PSED to help settle us all into nursery for the start of our new school year. We will begin looking for signs of Autumn at our forest explorers site each Friday. We will base our learning on the things that we show our teachers that we are really interested in within these themes. Look out for activities including self-portraits and home made vegetable soup!

As the season changes to autumn, we have been thinking about harvest and where our food comes from. We had great fun planting and digging in the garden.

We're going on a bear hunt. We're going to catch a big one. We're not scared, What a beautiful day.

The children had lots of fun painting self-portraits. They looked carefully at all of their features and added fantastic detail. You can almost see their characters coming through in their paintings, amazing job, well done everyone.

The children have really enjoyed making puppets of themselves or family members this week. They have shown their creative side by choosing their own materials. We also looked at different ways of fastening our puppets and some of the children decided to make them move.

It has been wonderful to welcome our new children into nursery this week, they are settling in well and enjoying making new friends.

We have all been artists this week and explored the work of Frida Kahlo. We have looked at the similarities and difference of ourselves and our new friends, talked about our facial features and then enjoyed creating our own self-portraits.

I hope that you have also been pleased to see all of the lovely pictures your children have been bringing home to share with you and I am sure that they are taking pride of place on your fridge door. Many more to come!

                  Our Learning 2020-2021

Summer 2- Unexpected oceans

During this last half term we will be discovering the wonders of the oceans and their beaches.


A big focus will be upon developing our understanding of the world around us, as we explore rock pools, sandy beaches and the wider oceans. Discovering creatures of the deep including the rainbow fish which will be our talk for writing. We will be thinking about holidays including traditional seaside beaches, with puppet shows, buckets and spades from our very own seaside role play shop and creating and tasting varying flavoured ice creams.


As will be working on our sense of community both locally and globally, we will be exploring what happens if we do not look after the oceans and our planet and holding our very own litter pick in the school grounds.


We also look forward to adventuring like pirates and mermaids on our dress up, when we will be designing and testing out boats both big and small and  imagining sailing around the world to focus on opposites in Australia.

Australia is also the country that we will be representing in our Olympics week near the end of term. We will be taking part in many events, races and building our own obstacle course.


We hope that we will all feel like champions this last half term as we get ready for sailing on to new adventures.

What a fantastic Olympic week we had with our very busy bodies. The children got involved in lots of physical activities and found out lots about our chosen country Australia. Great fun!

There be pirates here at Healdswood, arrgh! We had fantastic pirate adventures this week in nursery. We created both big and small pirate ships and pretended to sail the seas. We followed treasure maps and filled our gold chests, some children even had to walk the plank!

We explored the differences between man made and natural materials and thought about what could be recycled. The children were very concerned about the amount of rubbish and litter that ended up in our oceans. The children held their own litter pick on the school grounds and were very proud of how they were helping to keep the sea creatures safe.

We found out so much about the creatures that live in the sea. One of our favourite stories about sea creatures was the rainbow fish, so we made our own colourful fish.

We loved experimenting with materials for boat making. We discovered which ones floated or sank to the bottom of the ocean. 

We really enjoyed making our own seaside ice cream. We made strawberry, chocolate, lemon and marshmallow flavour. After testing out all of the flavours we voted for our favourite. The winner was lemon!

If you would like to make some at home we used double cream, condensed milk and lemon juice. Simply mix and freeze. Enjoy!

Summer 1- Imagination

During this term we will be discovering the magical ‘colours of our imaginations’.


We will be exploring and thinking about the colours all around us of nature, art and even music! Look out for our developing sensory garden and natural artwork.


A big focus will be upon developing our imaginations and we are looking forward to a virtual visit to the theatre. To support us with imagining the colours of our feelings and our dreams, we will be sharing the story colour monster and our talk for writing will be 'Brown bear, brown bear what to you see?'


As will be working on our skills of being self-confident to have a go and find things out, for STEM week we will be decorating colourful biscuits and investigating colour through scientific experiments. We are also welcoming new children to our nursery and will be spending some time getting to know each other and the nursery rainbow rules and routines.


We imagining a colourful and happy half term for us all to look forward to!


This week we have been looking at colours all around us. For Saint George's day we looked at the England flag and then imagined what wonderful patterns and colours we would like to see on flags. So we designed and made our own flags and decorated our sand castles with them..

We added lots of colourful ingredients to our rocky roads, you can imagine how good it tasted.


This week we carefully used adult tools and materials to create our very own colourful mosaic planter for our new tree.

The children loved designing and applying the coloured tiles with the adhesive and were very proud of their beautiful master piece.

Take a look at what our awesome scientists have been experimenting with in nursery this week. We mixed together some house hold chemicals to create our own lava lamp. We where amazed when it foamed up over the top when we added in some extra fizz. WOW!

We have been  creating colourful weavings on a large scale, both inside and outside. Weaving in and out and imagining what the finished product would look like.

We had so much fun working together with the rainbow parachute. Creating fast and slow waves and discovering which colourful ball bounced off first with our dreamy wavy movements. 

Great fun day of music and laughter on rock star day. We rocked it!

We have been thinking about movements to music and imagining shapes and pictures to match the music. As part of STEM week we planned, designed and decorated biscuits by taking our special biscuit decorating pens for a walk around the icing following the music.

I hope that they had as much fun eating them at home as we had decorating them in nursery.

Spring 2- Nurturing Nature


After half term, our topic will explore 'Nurturing Nature'.


We will be thinking about farms, farm machinery, the animals who live on farms and where our food comes from.

We will also find out about mother and baby animals and life cycles as we celebrate spring and Easter.


We will even be hatching our own chicks and watching carefully as they grow!

We were fantastic at sorting the farm animals into groups of the same kind and had lots of fun making their animal noises. We made our own farm and built some big, medium and small enclosures for them. We had to make sure that there were not any gaps or the animals might get loose.
At Forest schools, we had great fun creating different dens and shelters from a variety of materials, just like some animals do. Then we played hide and seek 'ready or not here I come!'
Take a look at our virtual visit to White Post Farm. We met lots of animals and found out all about them.
We had a fantastic day snuggling up for stories on our world book day. It was great to see so many brilliant costumes, everyone looked amazing. Well done if you entered our spoon competition, you are such a creative bunch. Our winners were a unicorn spoon and little red riding hood and the big bad wolf spoons. 
We are so excited to let you know that our chicks have successfully hatched from their eggs! We are learning how to look after them carefully and they are happy, fluffy and cheep cheep cheepy.

We have been finding out about lots of different baby animals and matching them to their parents. Some of the names for baby animals where tricky to remember, we have definitely been expanding our vocabulary.

When we did a virtual visit to a farm shop, we found out that farms can be busy places producing crops for us to eat. We explored a variety of vegetables with our senses and discovered some that we had not known before. Here we are printing with some of the vegetables, we also chopped fruit and threaded it onto skewers to eat. Now we have made our own farm shop in our nursery outside area, roll up roll up and see what fruit and vegetables you can find.

We were so kind and caring looking after our baby chicks, so we explored how other animals look after their babies. This included washing baby clothes for human babies and making nests for baby birds. Using the tools for building and filling the nests also helped to strengthen our hands and improve hand co-ordination and control.

Take a look at some of our other favourite activities from our nurturing nature topic this half term.

In nursery, we love baking and could not miss the chance to make chocolate Easter nests. The children followed the instruction carefully and counted in their chocolate eggs one at a time. I hope that they had as much fun eating them at home as we did baking them together. Enjoy your Healdswood Easter egg each and have a wonderful Easter everyone!

Spring 1- Once upon a time

During this term we will be learning about 'Once upon a time.'


We will discover the magical world of fairy tales, castles, princesses, knights and dragons through lots of different stories and traditional tales.

We will explore story language as we develop our speaking, listening and communication skills.

Our talk for writing will be 'There was a princess long ago' which we hope everyone will enjoy acting out. So a big focus will also be on practising large and small movements as we use songs and actions to help us retell stories.

Our physical skills might also be put to the test as we have a go at making and flipping pancakes at the end of this half term.

We will base our learning on the things that we show our teachers that we are really interested in within the themes.

We loved sharing lots of traditional tales together. We discovered so much about fairy tale characters and their adventures.
Look at some of the amazing castles we built for our Royal and fairy tale characters to live in.
One of our favourite fairy tale characters was the mighty dragon. We explored different ways to show his flaming breath. 
It was magical to dress up like witches and wizards in our very own hat creations. We made up lots of spells and mixed up some marvellous potions.
We had a lot of fun making pancakes and we really enjoyed eating them.
Autumn 2- I Wonder...

During this term we will be learning about 'I Wonder...' A big focus will be upon developing our skills in understanding the world. We will be looking at the ways that people celebrate and how this is similar and different to us. In particular we will learn about Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day, Diwali, Birthdays and Christmas. We will also be extremely creative, so keep your eyes peeled for the wonderful creations that we will be sending home! We will begin looking for signs of Autumn and then Winter at our forest explorers site each Friday. We will base our learning on the things that we show our teachers that we are really interested in within these themes.


We were so excited to be back, even more so when we started learning about Bonfire Night. We had an extremely exciting Forest Schools, we built a humongous bonfire and had hot dogs as a treat!

We have enjoyed learning all about Diwali. We made our very own Diva Lamps with a tealight inside to take home. We spotted lots of similarities with the things that we celebrate at home such as fireworks, decorations and giving gifts.

We were very snuggly wearing our pyjamas for Children in Need. We had a great time doing Pudsey crafts and making spotty cakes, Pudsey loves spots!

We made our own Christingles. The orange was the world, the red band the blood of Christ, the candle the light of the world and then there were four sticks to represent each season. We hope that the children enjoyed lighting and eating them at home!

As always we are having lots of fun each week at Forest Schools! Last half term we found a massive caterpillar, this time we have found a beautiful butterfly! We have had lots of fun collecting Autumn leaves, I wonder if the children can tell you the colours that we found? 

Autumn 1- Where will I go?

During this term we will be learning about 'Where will I go?' A big focus will be upon developing our skills in understanding the world. We will be looking at transport, where we live and the people who are special to us. We will also be doing lots of PSED as it has been a while since we have all been together at nursery! We will begin looking for signs of Autumn at our forest explorers site each Friday. We will base our learning on the things that we show our teachers that we are really interested in within these themes.

We had a wonderful time decorating green biscuits for MacMillan Cancer Support, but we had an even better time eating them!

We have really enjoyed learning about Autumn and have learnt the names for Autumnal objects.

We have had the most wonderful time exploring at Forest Schools. We most certainly aren't afraid to get stuck in!

We looked amazing for a Halloween Party Day, it was such a spooky day! 

                  Our Learning 2019-2010

Spring 2- People Who Help Us!

During this term we will be learning about People Who Help Us! We will explore lots of different texts including fiction, non-fiction, instructions and recipes. A big focus will be upon developing our skills in understanding the world. Our talk for writing text will be 'How to Brush your Teeth' following a visit from the Tooth Fairy! We will begin looking for signs of Spring at our forest explorers site each Friday. At the end of this term we will learn all about Easter and invite our grown-ups to nursery for a performance/stay and play session. We will base our learning on the things that we show our teachers that we are really interested in within these themes.

We loved celebrating pancake day! We made delicious pancakes and sat around the table and ate them together. We learnt lots of vocabulary like: stir, mix, batter, crack, flip, measure, recipe, pour and smooth. We found the story 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes' really funny, we spotted some of the characters that were in the traditional tales that we read last term.

We were really interested in hunting for Spring flowers at Forest Explorers, so we did some observational drawings/paintings in our classroom. They are now displayed in the small world area, we would love for the parents to go and have a look!

We have been learning all about how Dentists help us this week. We were super excited when the Tooth Fairy came to see us! She showed us how to look after our teeth and explained what happens when you go for a check up at the dentist.

We looked amazing dressed up as characters from our favourite books for World Book Day. We also enjoyed decorating potatoes to resemble our favourite stories.

Spring 1- Traditional Tales!

During this term we will be learning about our schools Rainbow Rules through Traditional Tales! We will read lots of different traditional tales and think about the things that the characters did and didn't do to follow our Rainbow Rules. A big focus will be upon learning story language and personal, social and emotional skills. Our talk for writing story will be 'The Three Little Pigs' which we hope will inspire story telling and mark making in Nursery. We will begin to explore what happens in the Winter and Spring at our forest explorers site each Friday. We will base our learning on the things that we show our teachers that we are really interested in within these themes. We are also looking forward to looking after pet guinea pigs for a week at the end of term!

"Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!" We made our own story map to tell the story. We have been busy retelling the story and can now remember lots of the story phrases. We said that the little pigs definitely followed our Rainbow Rule 'We try our best', by persevering until they built a strong house.

Little Red Riding Hood wasn't very good at following our Rainbow Rule 'We listen'. Luckily we are brilliant listeners in Nursery! Here we are making some jam tarts for Little Red Riding Hoods basket.

"Run, run, as fast as you can. You can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man!" Luckily none of our Gingerbread Men ran away when we opened the oven! We learnt about the Rainbow Rule 'We are honest' and decided that the fox needed to come to nursery so that we could teach him all about honesty. We are loving baking this term and are learning lots about numbers and quantity.

We had a special visit from a theatre company where we explored the story 'The Gingerbread Man' through movement and imagination.

We enjoyed reading the story 'The Enormous Turnip' and talked about how important it is to 'try our best'. We had lots of fun exploring what different vegetables smell, feel and look like by chopping them up!

It has been snowing! We couldn't wait to get wrapped up warm and explore outside. We enjoyed snuggling up with a good book and watching the snow fall just as much!

In the last week we focused on the rainbow rule 'We are gentle and look after each other'. We were lucky enough to have a class pet, our teachers were very impressed at how well we looked after our guinea pigs. White Post Farm even let us choose their names. We chose 'Monkey' because he didn't always do the right thing and 'Marshmallow' because he was white and fluffy.

Forest Explorers is a perfect time for us to show how good we are at following our rainbow rules. We love how kind and helpful our children are and how good we are at working as a team!

Autumn 2- Cracking Celebrations!

During this term we will be learning about Cracking Celebrations! We will look at a variety of celebrations and events from different cultures, such as Bonfire Night, Diwali and Remembrance Day. A big focus will be upon learning new words to extend our vocabulary. Towards the end of the term we will be learning all about Christmas and the nativity story, in preparation for our very own nativity. We will begin to explore what happens in the Winter at our forest schools site each Friday. We will base our learning on the things that we show our teachers that we are really interested in within these themes. We are also looking forward to a visit from the local fire fighters and our Christmas party.

We had the most exciting first week back! We learnt all about how we celebrate bonfire night and had some very special visitors in to teach us all about how to stay safe. As you can see, we had a great time!

We were very inspired by our visit from the fire fighters! At forest explorers we found 'hoses' and set to work putting out fires. We also found a leaf with insect eggs on it and lots of wriggly worms.

We were very happy when our Mummies and Daddies came to visit for our Autumn Stay and Play. We did a super performance and then enjoyed doing craft activities in nursery. We can't wait for them to come and visit in nursery again!

We have loved learning all about Autumn, we used our left over pumpkins to feed the birds and squirrels in our woodland area. We had a problem... how can we get it into the tree? As you can see, we didn't stop until we had solved the problem!

We had a great day at nursery wearing our pyjamas for Children in Need, we loved making spotty biscuits for our snack!

Christmas is one of our favourite times in nursery. So we prepared by decorating the tree and inviting our grown ups in for some festive crafts. We absolutely loved it and had lots of excited grown ups turn up. Thank you!

We had a great time learning the songs and dances for our nativity. We really did put on an amazing show!

We know how to party! We had so much fun dancing, playing pass the parcel and musical statues. Then we enjoyed our party food and even had a surprise visit from Santa.

Autumn 1- Our House!



During this term we will be learning about Our House. We will talk about our families, who lives with us and explore the local community. We will also think about how where we live changes during the autumn time and the animals that share our environment with us. We will begin to explore what happens in the Autumn at our forest explorers site each Friday. We will base our learning on the things that we show our teachers that we are really interested in within these themes.

We are also welcoming new children to our nursery and will be spending time getting to know each other and our nursery rules and routines.

We have had so much fun exploring the activities in our new classroom and making friends!

We couldn't wait to get our hands dirty at Forest Explorers, we found lots of different coloured leaves and a little green bug. 

We welcomed our Grandparents into nursery for Grandparent's Day. It was a very special day and we loved showing them our favourite things to do when we are at nursery!

Our Learning 2018-2019

Autumn 1- Reach for the Stars!

During this term we will be learning about space. We will look at the things that you find in space. We are also going to explore light and dark through looking at shadows and sources of light. The children will be exploring different shapes that can be found in space and learn related counting rhymes. They will explore fiction and non-fiction books about space. We will also be getting messy through exploring the painting 'Starry Night' by Van Gough.

We are also welcoming new children to our nursery and will be spending time getting to know each other and our nursery rules and routines.

We had an amazing time during our first Forest School session! We hunted for our names, enjoyed hot chocolate and a biscuit and played '1,2,3 where are you?' We can't wait until the next Forest Schools!

We have really enjoyed learning all about aliens. We had fun reading the story 'Alien Tea on Planet Zum Zee' and then preparing for our own Alien Party! We made alien biscuits and party hats specially. We had so much fun eating our snack and playing party games!

This week at Forest Schools we have been exploring patterns in nature by doing crayon rubbings on different surfaces. We are super explorers!

We had the best time on 'Grandparent's Day' and were super lucky to have such fun grandparents. They played with us in nursery and helped us to make astronaut pictures, some of them even went on the bikes! Grace's Grandad even brought his guitar along so that we could sing nursery rhymes. We loved listening to him play, he even played us a beautiful song that he wrote. A BIG THANK YOU to all of our lovely Grandparents that came to visit.

At Forest Schools this week we went on an Autumn leaf hunt. We looked for the colours that you see at Autumn time; red, yellow, orange and brown. Then we made leaf crowns, we were so pleased with them!

One of our favourite things to at nursery is to bake. This week we made yummy jam tarts. First we lined the tin with butter. Then we carefully cut out a circle from the pastry and placed it in the tin. Finally we spooned in some strawberry jam and they were ready to go in the oven. We ate them at snack time and thought that they were delicious.

We are really interested in spiders at the moment. So we went to Forest Schools we went on a spider hunt, can you see the huge spider that we found! Whilst we were hunting for spiders we found a huge worm, some of the children were brave enough to hold it! Then we made our own special matchbox houses for our spider friends. We collected lots of miniature treasure that we thought that they would like to go inside. We even made sure that the spider houses looked nice by drawing pictures on them.

We are having lots of fun exploring the painting 'Starry Night' by Van Gough. We got very messy making our own finger painted versions and star shaped bird feeders!

We had a fun time learning all about Halloween in nursery and dancing at the Halloween disco. Don't we look amazing!

As it was going to be Bonfire Night during half term the fire fighters came to speak to us about how to stay safe. They showed us all of their equipment and even let us get into their fire engine. They put the siren and flashing lights on, it was very loud!

Autumn 2- Cracking Celebrations!

During this term we will be learning about celebrations. We will look at a variety of celebrations from different cultures, such as Bonfire night and Diwali, to see how they are both similar and different. A big focus will be upon learning new words to extend our vocabulary. Towards the end of the term we will be learning all about Christmas and the nativity story, in preparation for our very own nativity. We will begin to explore what happens in the Winter at our forest schools site each Friday. We are also looking forward to our festive trip to White Post Farm.

We spent time learning all about Bonfire night and the Hindu festival Diwali. We found out that although the foods at each of the celebrations was different, they both had amazing fireworks! We made fireworks with our bodies, marks on paper and icing sugar on biscuits! We even made a big bonfire and had hog dogs for snack at forest schools.

Our grown-ups came and watch us perform Autumn songs and dances and then stayed at nursery to play with us. We loved it!

We really enjoyed Pudsey themed activities in our classroom and thought that it was very funny that we could wear our pyjamas to school for Children in Need.

When we learnt about birthdays we asked Miss Barford is we could make a real birthday cake in baking. Look how amazing our birthday cakes turned out, they were delicious too!

We raised money for the British Heart Foundation by doing 'Jump Rope for Heart', as you can see we were very good at the activities.

We had the most amazing trip to White Post Farm! We got to hold lots of animals, including snakes, and saw Santa! We hope the grown-ups that joined us had a great day too!

We had an extremely exciting day when Santa came to visit. We loved singing him Christmas songs and practising our best ho ho ho's!

We had so much fun at our Christmas party! It was full of party games, dancing and party food, yummy!

Spring 1- Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish

During this term we will be learning about Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish. We will be learning about different types of dinosaurs, what they eat and reading lots of fun stories about them. We will also be learning about recycling, why it is important and the wider impact on our world. We will be spending time talking about different dinosaurs and recyclable materials and sorting them into groups.

We also want to say a big welcome to our new children in nursery!

Our talk for writing story for this term was 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. We loved this story and even went on a real bear hunt at Forest Schools. We went through the swishy swashy grass, splash splosh through the river, squelch squerch through the mud, stumble tripped through the forest, wooo hooo through the snow storm and tip-toed up to a cave. In the cave we found... A BEAR. We had to run very quickly all the way home and decided that we're not going on a bear hunt again! We had so much fun!

When we got nursery we found something very exciting. A dinosaur had laid an egg in our water tray! We carefully watched it over the week as it cracked and slowly hatched. We name her Rosie Rex and took very good care of her. She had her own house and we wrote a shopping list for Mrs Townsend to take to the dinosaur shop. We brought her a bowl, dinosaur food, a dinosaur bath, dinosaur shampoo and a lead so that we could take her for a walk.

We are getting really good at writing our names now! We carefully wrote our names and then made marks using dinosaurs and paint. We moved the dinosaurs in lines, circles, spirals, loops, zig-zags and eights.

We learnt all about Chinese New Year, but our favourite part was trying some Chinese food! We tried spring rolls, prawn crackers and sweet and sour noodles. We talked about how the Chinese food was similar or different to the foods that we eat and why we did or didn't like it.

We held Mental Health week in school. Over this week in nursery we painted pictures based upon a piece of art using straws, as we painted we talked about how the different colours made us feel and how we were feeling in that moment. We also had a yoga session for our PE and learnt a few moves to help us to relax and stay healthy.

Spring 2- Fantasy Tales, Nice Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales

During this term we will be learning about Fantasy Tales, Nice Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales. We will be learning about the characters that you find in fairy tales, where they are usually set and the typical sequence of events that you will find. We will be focusing on expanding our vocabulary and story telling skills. We will also be linking stories to songs to support us in retelling them.

In the first week we learnt all about pancake day and made our own pancakes. As you can see we worked very hard to whisk the mixture! It was also world book day, look at our fantastic best costume winners!

We had great fun making royal themed things in nursery! We made castles, crowns, princess biscuits and royal pudding... yum!

As part of our topic we also learnt about Easter. Our friends at the local Coop donated the ingredients  for us to make chocolate Easter nests, I think we enjoyed eating them just as much as making them! Our grown-ups came to watch us do a special Easter performance with lots of songs about Spring, then they stayed and played with us in nursery. We love it when our grown-ups get to come to nursery! To finish our amazing term we got to dance the night away at the Easter disco, we definitely have some moves!

Summer 1- Down on the Farm

During this term we will be learning about Down on the Farm. We will be learning about the different kinds of animals that you will find on the farm and their babies. We will look at lifecycles and how to care for animals. We will also look at where our food comes from and the different things that can be made using things such as eggs, wheat and milk. This will link to how we can keep ourselves healthy through exercise and a balanced diet. 

We also want to say a big welcome to our new children in nursery!
