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Beech - Reception

Welcome to Beech Class


The teacher in Beech class is Mrs Green.

We are supported each day by Miss Griffiths, Mrs Bowler, Mrs Chamberlain and Mrs Bates.



A few reminders...

  • Beech class go out for Forest Schools on a Monday Morning and we will do PE on a Friday afternoon.  We will be going out whatever the weather (including rain and snow) so children need to be dressed in appropriate clothing; a warm coat and accessories in cold weather and a sun hat and suncream in hot weather.   Children need to come to school wearing their PE kit with warm, waterproof coats over the top.  Please can children arrive in their trainers and bring wellies in a separate bag to change into for Forest Schools.  
  • Children need their book bags in school every day.  We read with your children throughout the week and it is very important that this is recorded in their reading diaries.  Please remember to support your child with reading their reading book at home.  We ask that children read with an adult at least 3 times per week.  Reading books are changed once a week however you can read anything additional with your child - magazines, recipes, picture books etc!
  • Please send your child with a labelled water bottle to use in class.
  • Please make sure all school uniform, pe kit, lunch box, bags, book bags and water bottles are clearly labelled with your child's name.


Take a look at our learning environment


Websites to help our learning






Welcome to our classroom

Summer 2 2024 - Hidden Treasures


This half term our learning will be centred around pirates, mermaids and the ocean.  We will be learning about Noah's ark and all about seaside's have changed over the years.  Below is an overview of our learning for our final half term in Reception...

Summer 1 2024 - Who Will I Be?


This half term we will be thinking about the different jobs that grown ups have and what how people with these jobs can help us.  We will be learning about vets, dentists, postal workers, doctors, police officers and more!  I you have a job please speak to your child about what you do when you go to work and why this is important!  Have a look below for more information about our learning for this half term!


Well done Ash Class, another super half term!  We have absolutely loved learning about the different jobs that people can do and how lots of these people can help us.  Have a look at some of our learning from Summer 1...

Spring 2 2024 - Let's Explore!

This term our learning is centred around minibeasts, lifecycles and spring!  We will be studying how our local environment is changing with the new season and looking for signs of Spring at Forest Schools.  We will also be exploring minibeasts and learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly and a from.  Please have a look below for more information...

Spring 1 2024 - Curious Characters!

This term we are thinking all about the fairytale characters in traditional tales.  As well as studying the characters we will be exploring the morals of each story.  We will be linking these to our school's Rainbow Rules and reinforcing why it is important that everyone in school follows them!  Please have a look an a more in depth overview below...

This half term has flown by!  The children in Beech Class have worked their socks off this half term making brilliant progress in all areas of learning.  We have thought very hard about the Rainbow Rules and loved linking these to fairytale characters, some naughty and some nice!  We finished the half term learning about China and how Chinese New Year was celebrated!  Have a look below at some of our learning from Spring 1...

Autumn 2 2023 - I wonder...


This half term is all about celebrations!  We will be finding out about the meanings behind Bonfire Night, Diwali, Remembrance Day, Birthdays and Christmas!  We will be doing a Geography study on India, looking at the similarities and differences with the country and celebrations and comparing them to our own.  Please see the overview below for more information...

We've had a really busy term learning all about different celebrations and getting ready for Christmas!  Have a look below at some of our learning from Autumn 2...

Autumn 1 2023 - What Makes Me Unique?


This half term we will be settling into our new classroom, making new friends and learning the rules and routines of school life!  We will be asking the question, 'what makes me unique?' by exploring our similarities and differences, our likes and dislikes and thinking about what we know about our local community.  Below is an overview of this terms learning

We've had a great first half term in Beech class.  Have a look through our photos to see some of our amazing learning...

Parents notice - 18.9.2023


The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) has been a statutory assessment from September 2021 onwards. It provides a snapshot of where pupils are when they arrive at school. It will provide a starting point to measure the progress schools make with their pupils between reception and the end of primary school.  Over the next few weeks the children in our class will be completing a baseline assessment with an adult.  You can read more about this via the links below.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

My First Day at School photos!


There's still time to purchase photos - 4 for £3

Have a look below at our learning from previous years...

Welcome to Summer Term!


This half term we will be learning about who we would like to be and we will focus each week on a different type of job both in literacy and our wider topic work.

In forest schools we will be learning all about summer and how the season has changed from spring.

We will be looking at important events like Earth Day and St Georges Day.

Below is our topic web - Who will I be? please take a look to see all the fantastic things we will be learning about this half term!

Summer 2


This half term we will be looking at a new topic called -Hidden  treasures . We will be looking at pirates, mermaids, sea creatures and much more.



Pirate Day

Today we had a special pirate day and we were joined by a special pirate visitor, we learnt how to be pirates, looking as ships, maps, treasures and much more. 

Here are our photos of our amazing day...

Spring 2- " Let's Explore"



We had a great time on our school trip looking for minibeasts, creating natural pictures from materials found in the environment and a picnic outdoors ! The children were amazing and all had a fantastic day out. 

Our school trip!

Spring 2 2022 - Let's Explore!


Spring is just around the corner and this half term we will be finding out all about minibeasts, lifecycles and exploring the environment to find out the changes that occur in springtime.  We can't wait for our trip to Brackenhurst Education Centre in March!

Autumn 1 2021


We are very excited to welcome so many new families to Healdswood this term.  To begin with we will be spending time settling into our new classroom, learning the routines and making new friends!  We will be thinking about ourselves and  answering the question 'what makes me unique?'  This will be through exploring what we look like, our senses, our likes & dislikes and our families and special people.  We will also be thinking about where we live and the local environment.  Towards the end of the term we will be searching for signs of autumn!

Have a look below to see our amazing learning from last year's Ash Class (2020-2021).

Parents notice - 9.9.21


The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) is a statutory assessment from September 2021 onwards. It provides a snapshot of where pupils are when they arrive at school. It will provide a starting point to measure the progress schools make with their pupils between reception and the end of primary school.  Over the next few weeks the children in our class will be completing a baseline assessment with an adult.  You can read more about this via the links below.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

This week it is Olympic week in Beech class and today we had a visitor called Paul who taught us discipline of Karate! We learnt how to listen carefully to instructions and how to do high and low kicks. We learnt how to punch carefully and kick a target . 

Karate session Olympics week 12th July 2021

Summer 2

For our final half term in Reception, our topic will be 'Unexpected Oceans'.  We are really looking forward to this topic as hopefully some sunny weather will really support our learning about the seasides! we will be learning about what the seaside is like today  and what it used to be like in the past as part of our history topic. We will also be thinking about the ocean as a habitat in Science  and thinking about who lives there and how we can support animals to continue to live through protecting the oceans from pollution.  Please see the overview below for more information on our Unexpected Oceans topic...

Today we have had a special visitor in from Partake Theatre Company. We learnt about seasides form the past (100 years ago). We dressed up in old bathing costumes, boater hats and parasols. We learnt about old fashioned buckets and spades, hockey pokeys ( ice creams) and dances. The children had an amazing time and loved learning about how things were 100 years ago!

Summer 1


The sun is finally starting to shine and this will be mirrored in our topic 'Imagine...'  This half term we will be using our imaginations to think about dreams, colour and feelings.  We will be experimenting with creating different textures and colour mixing.  Have a look at our topic overview below for more information!

Nurturing Nature topic

Nurturing Nature- Spring 2 2021


Our new topic after half term will be all about nature. We will be learning about farms, farm animals, lifecycles of chicks and mother and baby animals. We will be looking at what food we get from the farm and how it is produced. 

We will be having our own hatching chicks in class and watching how they grow! Watch this space...



WC 1st March - Farm Animals

This week in school and at home we have enjoyed beginning to think about farm animals and exploring what we already know about farms.  In school children have been collaging farm animals and thinking about which colours they need to represent each animal.

Our children in school this week also thought of lots of questions that they would like to know about our local farm, White Post Farm.  We sent the questions off to White Post Farm and Farmer Anthony recorded us a fantastic video answering the children's questions and showing us lots of the animals that they have on the farm.  Click on the link below to watch the video!

Spring term 2021


This half term we will be learning all about different fairy tales, castles , dragons and knights in our new topic called 'Once upon a time ...'. The children will learn all about castles, the royal family, seasons and carry out art work and design and technology. Please browse through our topic map to support your child at home.

We have been  learning about castles this week at school and so have the children at home. We had a go at making castles out of boxes and bricks and other loose parts. We have loved seeing the photos of the castles that the children have made at home too.  Here are some of our castles we made.

castle building!

14.1.21 - A Snowy Day!

The snow has made us really excited today.  We loved going out to do our Daily Mile in the snow today and seeing how we made footprints in the snow!  It wasn't long before more snow came down and we watched how this covered over our footprints.

The children who are working at home had a great time in the snow today as well!

WC 4th January 2021


Well what a strange start to the term we've had!  Well done to all our children for coping so well with all the changes that have been happening whether it is still coming to school or working through their remote learning ay home.  If you are working from home all of your learning will be uploaded to your portfolio.


This week we have been learning about the Princess and the Frog.  We have looked at rhyming words, competed maths work around the song 5 Little Speckled Frogs, and learnt all about the lifecycle of a frog.


In class on Friday afternoon we still enjoyed 'Feel Good Friday' and it was lovely to see that the children at home joined in with this doing their favourite 'feel good' activity at home too.  Have a look at our Feel Good Friday photos below!

Wow! what a fantastic term we have had in Beech class, we have celebrated lots of different cultures, celebrations and seasons. The children have worked so hard and we are so proud of all the achievements they have made. Thank you to all our parents too who have supported us and their children amazingly at home with weekly reading, phonics and homework. 

Christingle celebrations 2020


Today we made ur own Christingles and talked about what they represented to Christians. In the afternoon we had a special assembly with Reverend Peter from Skegby church, we sang songs and all lit our candles. We had a special time and we all got to take our Christingles home.

Children in need 2020

Children in Need- today we came dressed in our PJs to help raise money for Children in Need. We had lots of fun colouring Pudsey pictures and making masks. Thank you to everyone for taking part and coming in their PJs!

I Wonder ... our new topic this half term

Autumn 2

Wow what a busy half term we have planned! This half term our new topic is called' I wonder...' and we will be learning all about different celebrations across the world. This week we started our new topic off by learning about Bonfire Night and why we celebrate this.  We enjoyed roasting marshmallows over our campfire in forest schools and singing bonfire songs. 

We will be learning about Remembrance Day next week, followed by Diwali, birthday celebrations, winter and of course ending our term with Christmas!



Remembrance Day 2020

We have had lots of fun this week learning all about Remembrance Day. We made our own poppy biscuits and in Forest schools we made crosses and put them on a tree to remember the soliders that died in the war.
