Healdswood Infant and Nursery School
Curriculum Intent
As a school community we explored the barriers to learning which our children face. The staff and governors developed our Curriculum Intent together, to ensure that we provide opportunities for our children to thrive and to help them to diminish the barriers they face.
Our school has made seven Curriculum Pledges to our children which intertwine with our vision...
1. To value each child as an individual, striving to provide a curriculum, which is engaging, purposeful and intertwined with knowledge and skills.
2. To provide a curriculum that broadens our children’s learning experience both in and beyond the community and school, as our children experience a range of trips, visits and outside visitors.
3. To embed our school values in our curriculum and to educate our children to be individuals; who care and respect each other, the community, the environment and the wider world.
4. To spark curiosity, awe, wonder and enable our children to appreciate and marvel in the world in which they live, through our curriculum.
5. To immerse our children in a language and vocabulary rich curriculum.
6. To foster a school community that values partnerships with parents, who understand and support how our curriculum can foster a love of learning.
7. To nurture our children to become confident and resilient learners, through a curriculum that values our children’s well-being.
At Healdswood Infant and Nursery School, we see it as our moral imperative for all children, to achieve their very best. Our curriculum is at the centre of every educational decision we make at Healdswood. We do not see the curriculum as a finished product, far from it. We regularly review our curriculum intent, to deliver the very best academic and enrichment opportunities striving to meet our ambition of inspiring wonder and intellectual curiosity. All curriculum areas have a subject lead that is responsible for the intent, implementation and continued monitoring and evaluation of their subject.
Our curriculum is coherently sequenced from EYFS to Year 2 and takes into account children’s learning beyond Healdswood so that children master the powerful knowledge for each subject. We develop children’s understanding through rich, connected learning opportunities and experiences so that our children can connect new knowledge with existing knowledge. An example, in Year 2 we teach the Great Fire of London when children have already learnt in Geography where London is and its status within the United Kingdom. The awe and wonder of learning continue to characterise the Healdswood curriculum but in a purposeful, sequenced and deliberate manner.
If ‘powerful knowledge’ is the centre of our school, then reading for pleasure and progress is its heart. Our school environment and curriculum crystallise reading for pleasure as a valued and purposeful part of our curriculum. We wholeheartedly believe reading is the golden key to unlocking the potential of every child’s success.
Healdswood Infant and Nursery School is a positive, happy and inspiring place to learn. Children are excited to come to school to discover the rich learning experiences every day. It is this nurtured thirst for learning that has been carefully engineered through the awe and wonder of our curriculum that we feel makes Healdswood such a unique, academically rich and special place to grow and learn.
We teach each of our learning behaviours so that our children learn how to develop resilience and creativity, communicate effectively within a team and develop awareness of themselves as learners. Our Healdswood Learning Powers: Agent Ideas, Fantastic Focus, Team Effort Expert, Keep It Up Captain, Have A Go Hero and Learning Legend.
Click on the icons below to find out more about a subject. If you have any questions regarding the curriculum please contact the school office.