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Silver Birch - Year 2

Welcome to Silver Birch Class  


The teacher in Silver Birch Class is Mrs. Buxton

 Miss Dudley and Mr Marriott will be supporting in Silver Birch 


Forest adventures will be on Tuesday. Children can come in their outdoor clothes. Children will need indoor and outdoor footwear. Please dress children appropriately for the weather on the day. We are currently unable to provide children with waterproofs. 


Swimming will be on a Wednesday. Please make sure children have their swimwear and a towel. hair will need to be tied back and no jewellery is to be worn. If you have any questions please ask.


PE will be on a Thursday . Please provide children with the appropriate clothing they need. We will be doing PE outdoors as much as possible. Children need to bring in their PE kits and will get changed at school. We will send PE kits home to be washed each half term.


Reading Children will be sent home with reading books. Please try and listen to your child read as much as possible and record this in the reading diary. Thank you



If you could offer to come into school to help on trips, listen to readers or help with school projects please speak to Mrs Buxton. Even if you can only come in for an hour or a certain day, that would be great.


Thank you for all your support

Autumn 2

Our curriculum drivers for Autumn 2 are History,  Computing and Design Technology.

We will be learning about Skegby’s mining heritage and how the local community has  changed over time since the 1900s. 

How has Skegby changed since the 1900s? 

On Friday the 19th of November, Year 2 visited the National Coal Mining Museum. During our visit, we met Sam Fletcher, a 5 year old boy, from the early 1800s. Sam shared his experiences of being a 'Trapper' in the mines and the jobs of his sisters, brother and father underground. We had the opportunity to meet Fin, at the Pony Discovery Centre. We discovered the story of the equidae that worked underground and in the UK’s mines and provided transport above-ground.With our helmets,  head torches and a tour guide,  we experienced the fascinating world of coal mining ... journeying 140m underground to  discover 180 years of mining history at the Caphouse Colliery in Barnsley. 

Our Learning 2020-2021

This term our curriculum drivers are history and DT. We will be learning about Skegby’ s mining heritage and how important mining coal was in the history of Stanton Hill and how Skegby has have changed over time. We will be responding to the our enquiry question:

'How has Skegby changed since the 1900s?' 

Spring 1


This term our curriculum drivers are history,  Science and Art. We will be exploring how Mary Anning's discoveries changed our understanding of the world and responding to the our enquiry question:

'Did Dinosaur Roam our Land?' 

Autumn 2

Autumn 1


Our topic this term will be here in the world?


We will be exploring our local surroundings and going on walks around our local area to spot what is happening. We shall be devising our own maps and learning how to use a compass.

In English we shall be using our local area to write our own poems.

In Maths we shall be gaining an understanding of place value and addition and subtraction.

Our Learning 2019-2020

Welcome to Silver Birch class!


Silver Birch Class is taught by Mrs Fritchley.

Mrs Berry, Mr Marriott and Mrs Llewellyn also work in our class too and help with our learning! 

We have lots of fun in Year 2 and we are always trying our best! 

What happens in Silver Birch class?


Home reading books

Children must bring their book bags to school every day.  Every week all children will be heard read, at least once individually, by the teacher, during guided reading and possibly with another adult.  When you listen to your child read at home please write in their diary so that we know their book needs changing.  Remember to read at least 5 times a week to be in with a chance of winning the Reading Challenge!



Our PE day is on a Wednesday. Please ensure that the children have an appropriate PE kit in school on these days. If it is easier the children may bring their kit in and leave it here for the half term. The children need a white T-shirt, black shorts and pumps or trainers. 


Forest Schools

We will be going to forest schools on a Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure that you have the correct clothing. During the winter months you will need warm cloths, a scarf and a woolly hat. In the warmer months you will need a sunhat and sun cream. 



We will be giving out spellings each week for you to practise at home. These will be tested on a Friday.


Library Visits

We will be visiting the Library every other Friday afternoon. This is a fantastic opportunity for your child to explore new story books and share stories with friends. If you have a Library card, bring it along, then you can take some new books home with you!



Swimming will take place on Wednesday Mornings. Children will need to bring their swimming kit and a towel with them every Wednesday. The children will swim at Rebecca Adlington Swimming Baths during the school day and be transported there and back by bus. We DO NOT have any spare swimwear in school and therefore if your child does forget their kit, the school office will ring you to ask if you are able to bring it to school before the bus leaves.



Our Classroom!!

Our Learning 2019-2020


Great Adventures- Spring 1


This half term we will be looking at the world. We will explore the different oceans and continents and compare and

contrast. We will look at the journeys of Robert Falcon Scott, Amy Johnson and Ellen MacArthur.

Thank you for all of your support with our 'Great Fire of London Day'. It was a great success. Here are just a few photographs from our fantastic day!!

Great Fire Of London- Autumn 2


During our Great Fire of London Topic, we will be participating in a fantastic immersive history experience on the 14th November. For this experience, we would like the children to be fully immersed and therefore ask that they wear clothes from this era. Below are a few examples of what this may look like. 


This half term our topic is Jack and The Beanstalk. 

This is our topic overview for Autumn 1:

Forest Fun has been brilliant this week!! We have been exploring our very own beanstalks that we grew last year. They are very tall now!! We have harvested some beans and used the beans and the leaves off of the beanstalk to draw and colour our own beanstalks! They look fabulous!

Look at us having fun:







Grandparents Day!

We have had a fantastic afternoon celebrating Grandparents Day with our Grannies, Grandma's, Nana's, Grandpa's and Grandads! We made a poem to share with them, we decorated the poem and then we did  a few other arts and crafts throughout the afternoon. We always love inviting you in to see our classroom and all of the wonderful things we get up to! We cannot wait to see you again real soon!



Our Learning 2018-2019

Ottis the Orangutan

Hello, my name is Ottis the orangutan. I am going to be part of Silver Birch Class just like you! Each week I will be lucky enough to come home with one of you and meet your family. I am very excited about this and can’t wait to see what different things you like to do when you are not at school. Going out to the park is fun but sometimes staying at home is even better!

All I ask is that you put something in my diary to share with my friends at school. This could be a picture, a photograph or even a piece of writing.

Please return me to school on Tuesday.

Your friend



Here are our posters! Save the orangutans!!


Our topic this term is chocolate!! We can't wait to learn about where chocolate comes from and our exciting visit to Cadbury World. We will be looking at the map to see where coco beans grown and look at the journey they take to get to the UK.

We will also be looking at Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and we are writing our own versions of this story.


Don't forget your homework challenges!!!


Our topic this term is dinosaurs! We will be learning all about different dinosaurs and even designing a new dinosaur that never lived!! We will be thinking about Mary Anning and looking at why she is remembered today. We will be learning clay skills and making something amazing from it!

World Book day 2019!

ICT: Learning hwo to send Emails!

Mental Health Week!

Land Ahoy!!!!!!
Our new topic is Land ahoy!! We will be applying to become a pirate aboard Pirate's Steve's ship!

Kassim and the Greedy Pirates Treaure!!!

Science: Testing different materials for Pirate Steve!!

Pirate Day!!

Look at our amazing baubles we made in DT. We designed, made and evaluated what we had done!


We had an amazing Great Fire of London History day in Year 2. We visited lots of London shops. We made our own bread in a bakery and made our own ink to write with using a quill. We even visited the doctors - it was very different to our doctors today! We learnt lots about the fire and even pretended to pull houses down and set off explosives! 

Fabulous Fireworks! We used chalks on black paper to create firework pictures. We used a variety of techniques to get the effect we wanted. We looked at each others pictures and talked about what we really liked and what we thought would make their picture even better!

Fun at forest schools!!

Poppy competition! What do you think about our pictures?

Which do you like the most?

I wonder.......?

Look at our beanstalks!

Our amazing art work! We used oil pastels and watercolours to create this effect.

Castle art work! We used oil pastels and watercolours to create a magical effect!

We have been working as a team and drawing maps from the top of the beanstalk!

Silver Birch Class 2017-2018

Measuring dinosaur feet!

Today we had a fabulous day! It was the best day ever! 

We found eggs....We think that they might belong to a dinosaur. 

We will have to wait and see. 

Dinosaur eggs!!!

Dinosaur research!


Sports relief! We ran 1 mile for sports relief! It was tough but we worked together!

Maths activities to help prepare for SATs.


Here are a few websites containing games for children to play to practise their Maths skills. We have tried some at school and everyone really enjoyed using them.

Our learning environment!


Take a look around our classroom!



Knights and Castles! Topic Spring 4

This term our topic is knights and castles. 

We will be thinking about what is was like to live in a castle and what castles were used for. We will be looking at the different parts of a castle and how they were used to protect people. 

In History we will be looking at significant people who live in our locality. These include Bess of Hardwick and Lord Canarvon. 

We will be painting in the style of Paul Klee and also using clay sculpture to design and make tiles for a castle. 


I look forward to seeing your homework projects! 

Miss Hibbert

The Parts of a Castle

We used old toys that children used to use inside the castle walls.

What did Knights wear to protect them?

We learnt how to write using a quill just like did in the past.

We looked at other armour and weapons that knights used to use.

Paul Klee 'Castles'. We drew in the style of Paul Klee and used oil pastels to create a similar effect to his.

We drew self-portraits of us as King's and Queens!

Look at our amazing homework!! We designed and made shields!

Statistics! Using our own research to make tally charts! Which is the most popular chocolate bar in our class?

Take a look at what we are learning this term!

Land Ahoy!  Spring 3 Topic


Our topic this term is Land Ahoy! We will be learning all about pirates and will even learn how to be, talk and fight like a pirate! 


We look forward to seeing your pirate homework! Arggghhh!

Remember it was to design and make a pirate ship!

Our Pirate Homework!!! We are so proud!

Pirate day!

Science Investigation!

We have been thinking about different materials and their properties. We needed to find out which materials were:

-The most waterproof for a pirate hat

-The most translucent for a telescope

- The strongest for a plank on the ship

-Magnetic material for treasure. 

For Pirate Steve

We made a prediction and discussed why we thought this. 

We had great fun testing the different materials. 


Making printing tiles

In Art and DT we looked at the artist William Morris and designed printing tiles using his artwork as inspiration. 

Have a look how fantastic they are.


Making Music! We love to make music.

Beachcombers Topic - Autumn Term (1st half)

This half term we are learning all about the beach.  We will begin our topic by learning the story of 'The lighthouse keepers lunch'.  We will be writing about the characters and the settings in the story. We will be thinking about how to write a great problem story using The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch to help us. We will be making and designing lighthouses, learning about coastlines, thinking about living things and their habitats and many other exciting things! 


Our first week was extremely exciting! We had a basket of food, footprints and feathers left in our room. We had no idea what had happened and we needed to try and work it out. Then we received a letter from Mr Grinling asked for our help. The pesky seagulls had been stealing his lunch and gobbling it all up. We decided on some different sandwich fillings to try to see which ones the birds didn't like. 


Please see below for the homework and overview for this topic.





Things to remember;

Don't forget to complete a homework challenge this term. Miss Hibbert can't wait to see them. 
